Even BillGates confused...

An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON".

This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened.

So, tell this to all your friends. Try it now, it will not create " CON " Folder.

Try to rename the New Folder as CON or con It will not Accept ............ .......... ........

3 komentet:

really cannot make it...

11 shtator 2007 në 4:34 e paradites  

wow..... this is awsome!!

11 shtator 2007 në 11:58 e pasdites  

why kenot de ?

13 shtator 2007 në 10:55 e paradites  

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