It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
- Aristotle
Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made. In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I’d almost always sleep in late. I usually didn’t start hitting my stride each day until late afternoon.
But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high correlation between success and rising early, even in my own life. On those rare occasions where I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity was almost always higher, not just in the morning but all throughout the day. And I also noticed a significant feeling of well-being. So being the proactive goal-achiever I was, I set out to become a habitual early riser. I promptly set my alarm clock for 5AM…
… and the next morning, I got up just before noon.
I tried again many more times, each time not getting very far with it. I figured I must have been born without the early riser gene. Whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that blasted noise and go back to sleep. I tabled this habit for a number of years, but eventually I came across some sleep research that showed me that I was going about this problem the wrong way. Once I applied those ideas, I was able to become an early riser consistently.
It’s hard to become an early riser using the wrong strategy. But with the right strategy, it’s relatively easy.
The most common wrong strategy is this: You assume that if you’re going to get up earlier, you’d better go to bed earlier. So you figure out how much sleep you’re getting now, and then just shift everything back a few hours. If you now sleep from midnight to 8am, you figure you’ll go to bed at 10pm and get up at 6am instead. Sounds very reasonable, but it will usually fail.
It seems there are two main schools of thought about sleep patterns. One is that you should go to bed and get up at the same times every day. It’s like having an alarm clock on both ends — you try to sleep the same hours each night. This seems practical for living in modern society. We need predictability in our schedules. And we need to ensure adequate rest.
The second school says you should listen to your body’s needs and go to bed when you’re tired and get up when you naturally wake up. This approach is rooted in biology. Our bodies should know how much rest we need, so we should listen to them.
Through trial and error, I found out for myself that both of these schools are suboptimal sleep patterns. Both of them are wrong if you care about productivity. Here’s why:
If you sleep set hours, you’ll sometimes go to bed when you aren’t sleepy enough. If it’s taking you more than five minutes to fall asleep each night, you aren’t sleepy enough. You’re wasting time lying in bed awake and not being asleep. Another problem is that you’re assuming you need the same number of hours of sleep every night, which is a false assumption. Your sleep needs vary from day to day.
If you sleep based on what your body tells you, you’ll probably be sleeping more than you need — in many cases a lot more, like 10-15 hours more per week (the equivalent of a full waking day). A lot of people who sleep this way get 8+ hours of sleep per night, which is usually too much. Also, your mornings may be less predictable if you’re getting up at different times. And because our natural rhythms are sometimes out of tune with the 24-hour clock, you may find that your sleep times begin to drift.
The optimal solution for me has been to combine both approaches. It’s very simple, and many early risers do this without even thinking about it, but it was a mental breakthrough for me nonetheless. The solution was to go to bed when I’m sleepy (and only when I’m sleepy) and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time (7 days per week). So I always get up at the same time (in my case 5am), but I go to bed at different times every night.
I go to bed when I’m too sleepy to stay up. My sleepiness test is that if I couldn’t read a book for more than a page or two without drifting off, I’m ready for bed. Most of the time when I go to bed, I’m asleep within three minutes. I lie down, get comfortable, and immediately I’m drifting off. Sometimes I go to bed at 9:30pm; other times I stay up until midnight. Most of the time I go to bed between 10-11pm. If I’m not sleepy, I stay up until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Reading is an excellent activity to do during this time, since it becomes obvious when I’m too sleepy to read.
When my alarm goes off every morning, I turn it off, stretch for a couple seconds, and sit up. I don’t think about it. I’ve learned that the longer it takes me to get up, the more likely I am to try to sleep in. So I don’t allow myself to have conversations in my head about the benefits of sleeping in once the alarm goes off. Even if I want to sleep in, I always get up right away.
After a few days of using this approach, I found that my sleep patterns settled into a natural rhythm. If I got too little sleep one night, I’d automatically be sleepier earlier and get more sleep the next night. And if I had lots of energy and wasn’t tired, I’d sleep less. My body learned when to knock me out because it knew I would always get up at the same time and that my wake-up time wasn’t negotiable.
A side effect was that on average, I slept about 90 minutes less per night, but I actually felt more well-rested. I was sleeping almost the entire time I was in bed.
I read that most insomniacs are people who go to bed when they aren’t sleepy. If you aren’t sleepy and find yourself unable to fall asleep quickly, get up and stay awake for a while. Resist sleep until your body begins to release the hormones that rob you of consciousness. If you simply go to bed when you’re sleepy and then get up at a fixed time, you’ll cure your insomnia. The first night you’ll stay up late, but you’ll fall asleep right away. You may be tired that first day from getting up too early and getting only a few hours of sleep the whole night, but you’ll slog through the day and will want to go to bed earlier that second night. After a few days, you’ll settle into a pattern of going to bed at roughly the same time and falling asleep right away.
So if you want to become an early riser (or just exert more control over your sleep patterns), then try this: Go to bed only when you’re too sleepy to stay up, and get up at a fixed time every morning.
Emërtimet: Health
Need to get fit but don't know where to start?
Many people don't bother even attempting a fitness program because they dont know where to start. Running is one of the most effective ways to get fit and it doesn't cost you anything providing you have the right gear, like shoes.
All you need to do is get up a little earlier before work or put aside some time after dinner to go out in your neighbourhood and just run around. You are almost guaranteed to get fit and lose weight from doing this a few times a week for a number of weeks.
This all sounds good but as most of you are not real fit to start out with your stamina is very low and it would be very hard for you to start running for long periods of time. This is why I have created a short guide that will help you with this problem.
In the tables below I have created a simple guide for you to follow so that you can start running in no time. At first it is very simple with only short bursts of jogging but as the weeks go on you will start running a lot but you will hardly notice the difference as you not only get used to it but as you get fitter from the exercise.
If you are already doing a bit of exercise and you believe you can skip the first few weeks then go ahead but don't go to far otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the pace.
This program will only take you one hour a day for three days a week for 3 months. 3 sessions must be done per week with a day in between but if you can't do that just do the three over a week period. The guide follows:
Week 1
Session 1 (35 mins)Run 30 seconds. Walk 4 mins 30 secs. Repeat 7 times
Session 2 (40 mins)Run 30 seconds. Walk 4 mins 30 secs. Repeat 8 times
Session 3 (40 mins)Run 30 seconds. Walk 4 mins 30 secs. Repeat 8 times
Week 2
Session 1 (45 mins)Run 1 minute. Walk 4 minutes. Repeat 9 times
Session 2 (40 mins)Run 1 minute. Walk 4 minutes. Repeat 8 times
Session 3 (40 mins)Run 1 minute. Walk 4 minutes. Repeat 8 times
Week 3
Session 1 (50 mins)Run 1 min 30 sec. Walk 3 mins 30 sec. Repeat 10 times
Session 2 (40 mins)Run 1 min 30 sec. Walk 3 mins 30 sec. Repeat 8 times
Session 3 (50 mins)Run 1 min 30 sec. Walk 3 mins 30 sec. Repeat 10 times
Week 4
Session 1 (55 mins)Run 2 minutes. Walk 3 minutes. Repeat 11 times
Session 2 (45 mins)Run 2 minutes. Walk 3 minutes. Repeat 9 times
Session 3 (50 mins)Run 2 minutes. Walk 3 minutes. Repeat 10 times
Week 5
Session 1 (60 mins)Run 2 mins 30 sec. Walk 2 mins 30 secs. Repeat 12 times
Session 2 (50 mins)Run 2 mins 30 sec. Walk 2 mins 30 secs. Repeat 10 times
Session 3 (50 mins)Run 2 mins 30 sec. Walk 2 mins 30 secs. Repeat 10 times
Week 6
Session 1 (65 mins)Run 3 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 13 times
Session 2 (50 mins)Run 3 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 10 times
Session 3 (55 mins)Run 3 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 11 times
Week 7
Session 1 (60 mins)Run 4 minutes. Walk 1 minutes. Repeat 10 times
Session 2 (54 mins)Run 4 minutes. Walk 1 minutes. Repeat 9 times
Session 3 (54 mins)Run 4 minutes. Walk 1 minutes. Repeat 9 times
Week 8
Session 1 (60 mins)Run 5 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 10 times
Session 2 (48 mins)Run 5 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 8 times
Session 3 (54 mins)Run 5 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 9 times
Week 9
Session 1 (63 mins)Run 7 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 7 times
Session 2 (54 mins)Run 7 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times
Session 3 (50 mins)Run 8 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 5 times
Week 10
Session 1 (44 mins)Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 4 times
Session 2 (42 mins)Run 20 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 2 times
Session 3 (46 mins)Run 22 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat Once
Week 11
Session 1 (52 mins)Run 25 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat Once
Session 2 (62 mins)Run 30 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat Once
Session 3 (51 mins)Run 40 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Run 10 mins.
Week 12
Session 1 (66 mins)Run 45 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Run 20 mins
Session 2 (66 mins)Run 50 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Run 15 mins
Session 3 (45 mins)Run 45 mins
Week 13
Session 1 (50 mins)Run 50 minutes
Session 2 (55 mins)Run 55 minutes
Session 3 (60 mins)Run 60 minutes
So there it is. A simple guide for you to follow to get you into shape by running. Just take a couple notes to work and you could knock some off during your lunch break. It really isn't that hard.
Hope it can really help you.
GoodBye my good Buddy, GoodBye my good Colleagues, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
0 komentet Postuar nga 家禾交流社 në 4:51 e paradites
28th September, 2007. Today is my last day worked at Intel and finally my internship has ended here. I feel like i have attached to my buddy, my colleagues and this company. I would hate to leave them. But all good things must come to an end. Anyway, I wish you all have a nice day always and thanks for leaving me a very impressiveness memories.. I love you all!
A quest inspired by GodTower made by Thai. Nothing to say. . Just try it yourself !!
For those who knows already. .
Here is what you're looking for. . . The Hints!!!
NOTE: The RULE here is not to tell the ANSWERS. Thanks
Even BillGates confused...
An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON".
This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened.
So, tell this to all your friends. Try it now, it will not create " CON " Folder.
Try to rename the New Folder as CON or con It will not Accept ............ .......... ........
On August 28, the Moon will plunge through Earth's shadow, and the United States' West Coast sees the best show.The March 3, 2007, lunar eclipse favored Africa, Europe, and Asia. Anthony Ayiomamitis
The spectacular eclipse occurs the morning of August 28. Circumstances favor observers west of the Mississippi, who missed out on the March lunar eclipse. Better still, this event marks the first central lunar eclipse since 2000.
A central eclipse is one where part of the Moon passes through the center of Earth's shadow. This results in a longer-lasting eclipse, and it likely will result in a more darkly colored Moon at totality. The Moon's northern edge passes through the shadow's center, which means its northern half will look noticeably darker than its southern half.
The penumbral part of the eclipse begins at 3:54 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The first hint of shadow won't be visible to East Coast observers until at least 4:30 a.m. Watch the Moon low in the southwest as the limb near Oceanus Procellarum gradually darkens.
The umbral eclipse phase begins at 4:51 a.m. EDT. It takes an hour for the Moon to fully enter Earth's shadow. But by the time it does, twilight brightens the sky. For observers on the East Coast, the Moon sets while totally eclipsed.
The farther west you go, the higher the Moon's altitude during totality. West of the Rockies, observers see all but the eclipse's final penumbral stages. Totality begins at 4:52 a.m. Central Daylight Time, and mideclipse occurs at 5:37 a.m. CDT.
Try estimating the Moon's darkness at mideclipse. French astronomer André Louis Danjon (1890–1967) devised a simple scale for comparing the depth of lunar eclipses. It runs from 0 (the Moon is almost invisible) to 4 (the Moon is a bright, coppery red). See for more details.
The Midwest will see totality in a gradually brightening sky, with the Moon 6° high by totality's end. From cities like Denver, perched along the Great Divide's eastern edge, observers may find mountains block the view during the eclipse's later stages.
The West Coast will see the eclipse in its entirety and high in the sky, well placed for observing. In Hawaii, the eclipse occurs near local midnight August 27/28.
Emërtimet: News
Wednesday,15th August. After worked, this was my first time joining my supervisor, Boon Leong, Sing King and Kooi Sim to go for a mountain climbing. The mountain at Bukit Jambu.
Boon Leong, Sing King and I arrived first, while waiting Kooi Sim, we have a mata kucing drink at the foot of the hill. A hawker doing business over there. After the refreshment, we start climbing.. the hill is high and the path is oblique just like a staircase, no flat ground at all. Nealy fainted when see it. My buddies' stamina is very good. they keep climbing up, without panting. They can reach the peak just in a while. But me... climb like hell.. stopped many times. what a shame.. I was the latest to reach the peak.
When I reached, I saw many fitness machine over there. Many strong guys were working out. Admired!!! Next time i sure can be like them. The view is nice but many mosquitoes flew around me and suck my blood. Well, My blood is sweeter i think. After a while of chit chat and resting. We prepared to walk down hill. I'm the fastest to reach the foot. At least I won.. but =.=!!! HAHA
Emërtimet: Life
Watch a water balloon burst, slowed down 80 times using a slow motion camera.
Emërtimet: Video
July 20, Friday. Today is my friend, SZE WAN, the last day working in Intel.
She was going to leave us. We planned to have a farewell with her. Finally we decided to go Penang Bowl to play bowling together.
I am just a novice, and I cannot believe all the girls play very well. Before that, they said they are noob. After played, all get higher marks than me. What a loser I am. haha but luckily I won the last game. I got 101 and kia weng gets 100. hehe just one mark only. And I quickly capture my score, but they all laugh at me. sigh..
The time past very fast when we having fun, Her internship had finished and need to back to University and study. I met her 3 months ago. She is very friendly and nice. We always have lunch together and have a lot of fun. Ah Pau, Joi San, Kia Weng and I would be missing you so much and always. Bye Bye Sze Wan. you are always in our memory.
Welcome every one! Yahoo!! Finally i have past my 22th years old birthday, this is my unforgettable and happiest birthday! Totally 4 celebration! Muahahaha.
July 6, Friday night. i just reach KL and then my friends ask me to go feeling cafe for dinner. They planned it secretly and dont let me know, all my best friends were coming, they are cai yun, teng foung, hong ying, tai ming, christ lee, ah yue, hong meng, gin hong, ah king, kok chiann, wen sin, huey chen and ee lin. Actually i knew that but i act like dunno haha.. cannot believe you all set me up, asked me to go up stage and sing to everyone. I got no choice, because of you all. I have to go up! and finally i still didnt let you all down. I sang the whole song for you guys! Hope you all will like it la!! but dont laugh me always k? this is the first and also the last time!
july 15, Sunday night. My whole family said want to help me celebrate. so my grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, aunts, uncle and my cousins all came to my birthday celebration, we had my birthday dinner in a restaurant near pulau tikus penang. That day i collected many ang pao.. wow.. all very heavy lo!! big big one! thats my first time to collect so many ang pao during my birthday! The dinner was nice! every one is very full and sweet! of cuz i'm the most! haha.. Thanks thanks!
july 17 , tuesday. Come back to work. but seems like nobody knows my birthday. I'm kept quiet. but just tell my buddy, kia weng. He suddenly said want to help me celebrate, then i told him no need la, mana tahu he tolds all my colleagues in my department. especially my supervisor, boon leong. the news spread until every body knows it. and finally they all said want to celebrate with me and treated me eat Nando's chicken. I really very surprise, coz many of them i not really close to them also come to join me. Touching! have a free lunch again! muahaha. they even said this is the first time that so many ppl come and celebrating birthday with staff. the surprise never end, come to the time when we all want to go went off work, my fren, pau pau, sze wan, joisan and kia weng suddenly show me the birthday cake and take photo with me! Once again i need to thanks miss lim for buying the cake for me! You are my best senior!! yeah..
July 17, night. My another friend, Pyen, birthday on 18th of July. so few of our close fren, yang ming, chuen wei, mei lin celebrate with us. we went to baby cafe penang to have some drinks and play around! the environment is nice and we took some photos there too.. I suggested 2 card games and we played together until 11 something then sing a birthday song, and make my final wish! All play until very crazy! hehe! but we need to go back home earlier coz every one of us have to work and study the next day!
And finally, I have past my 22th birthday! but I'm getting older! I have sad and happy story in my past 22 years.. I hope the coming new days would be great and cheerful alwayz! Oossee
Emërtimet: Life
This week i was very tired.. almost every day back home late. My project spec also haven done. This Saturday sure let my supervisor scold. What to do? many things haven decide.
I have 2 friends this week going to finish their internship at Intel. They going to leave already, I still have 2 and a half month to go, and still have many task waiting for me. Getting harder and harder this time. Seminar and FYP still 0%.
Sigh.. why i still day dreaming.
anyone still remember 17/07 is a special day? -_-
I would like to thanks my friends who telling me this news and I felt very surprise when i heard this too. Thanks again for helping me to keep this page of newspaper. You are so lucky, because you said you are already long time didn't buy newspaper, once you buy a newspaper then saw me in the page. I'll post this up to share with my team mates too. Hopes they won't miss this. Lastly, I would like to thanks my mentol Miss Poh, I know you translate this to the reporter. haha..
Emërtimet: Life
1st of July is my grandpa birthday. We all having a steamboat night together to celebrate his birthday!!! Happy Birthday GrandPah! Wish you be Healthy always!
And also thanks to my aunt, she cooked us a swallow nest dessert. Very nice. I ate alot..
Emërtimet: Life
Minutes away from the hustle and bustle of the city is Penang抯 natural heritage: her emerald green hills and golden sandy beaches. Leisure activities are varied ?tennis to golf, riding to scuba diving. Penang is one place where you can jog, cycle, sunbathe, sail, beachcomb, snorkel and windsurf.
Ayer Itam Dam
One of the most popular and scenic spots for exercise enthusiasts is the Ayer Itam Dam.
Located above the famous Kek Lok Si Temple in the Ayer Itam village on the outskirts of George Town, the Dam is Penang answer to the Hoover Dam in USA or the Aswan Dam in Egypt, although at a smaller scale.
The Aquarium of the Fisheries Research Institute, Batu Maung
Have you ever visited an aquarium? If you have not, now's the time to see and touch our diverse marine wonders at the Fisheries Research Institute aquarium at Batu Maung.
Balik Pulau
The hills of Balik Pulau abound with clove and nutmeg trees which bear fruit in November to January and July. Or savour durian, a seasonal fruit which is the luscious king of fruits.
Bukit Jambul Orchid and Hibiscus Garden, Bukit Jambul
Home to exotic snakes, birds and plants, the two hectare Bukit Jambul Orchid & Hibiscus Garden and Reptile House are located along Persiaran Bukit Jambul, close to the Hotel Equatorial; only a leisurely 5-minute drive away from the Penang International Airport.
Beaches and fishing villages
Most activities are centered around Batu Ferringhi, where most of the popular beach resorts are located. Their facilities include waterskiing, sailing, windsurfing, water scooters, and waterskiing. This prime stretch of beach is always a hive of activity with elite nightspots and restaurants which come to life in the evening.
Further down is the equally lovely Teluk Bahang Beach, which houses an international beach resort and is home to kampungs and a fishing village. If privacy is preferred, head for the secluded beaches of Teluk Duyung, Monkey Beach, Pantai Kerachut and Pantai Mas which are accessible via the trails in the Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve from Teluk Bahang.
The Pasir Panjang Beach at the south-western tip of the island is a secluded stretch of beach and clear waters, at the end of a 25-minute hike over challenging terrain from Betong.
See also Batu Maung, a small fishing village at the south-eastern tip of the island, which owes its fame to the beach-front shrine dedicated to Admiral Cheng Ho, the famous Chinese admiral who featured prominently in the history of the Malacca Sultanate.
The huge footprint in the vicinity is said to be that of the Admiral抯 and is worshipped as something sacred. There is a belief that anyone who lights joss sticks and places it in an urn beside the footprint will be bestowed good fortune. The best seafood on the island can also be found here.
Botanical Gardens, Jalan Air Terjun
This 30-hectare sprawling garden of flora and fauna is a favourite recreation spot for locals. Central to the Gardens is a waterfall that start over a hundred metres above, hence its more popular moniker of "Waterfall Gardens". Today, the waterfall is a restricted area and hidden from public view by the green foliage.
While the vibrant hues of Penang抯 native fauna is the prominent feature, the star attraction is the large number of macaque monkeys that greet visitors from the entrance right to the heart of the garden. Walkers, joggers, runners, picnickers and lovers frequent this gem of a garden for its spacious and blissful settings.
Every year, the Penang International Floral Festival will be held for about a week at the Botanic Gardens. The entire garden will be transformed into a floral wonderland with thousands and thousands of flowers and blooms, of all sizes and gorgeous colours.
Bukit Mertajam Recreational Forest
The Bukit Mertajam Recreational Forest lies 457 metres above sea level and covers an area of 37 hectares. Some locals refer to Bukit Mertajam as Bukit Ubat (or medicinal hill) because of the therapeutic qualities attributed to it ?people with minor ailments actually claim of feeling relieved after a hike. One of the more popular parks on the mainland, it is usually packed with people during holidays. Facilites include a swimming pool, camping and picnic spots, jungle treks and comfortable accomodation.
Bukit Panchor Recreational Forest
Located 10km from Nibong Tebal or 50km from George Town lies the Bukit Panchor Recreational Forest ?an ideal getaway for picnics, camping and jungle trekking. A perfect place for the family.
Butterfly Farm, Teluk Bahang
Located at Teluk Bahang, 20km from George Town, the Butterfly Farm covers an area of 0.8 hectare. Visitors can marvel at the hundreds of species of butterflies and local insects in their natural habitat.
The best time to visit is in the late morning or early afternoon, when the butterflies are most active.
The Esplanade: A microcosm of Penang's colourful legacy
No well-planned and picturesque city is ever complete without a park and George Town is no exception. Parks can range from grand landscapes like Central Park in New York City or Hyde Park in London, to modest affairs like Penang's Esplanade, landing point of Francis Light and home to a historical battle fort.
Kampung Seronok, Batu Maung
The name "Kampung Seronok" originated from a suggestion by an English engineer, D.W. Grehan who had, on a number of occasions, shared in the joy and merrymaking of the kampung folk, the the days shortly after the Japanese Surrender.
What makes it unique is the fact that it is virtually 'open' to visitors who are free to observe and participate in the various cultural activities, traditional games and rural economic pursuits of the people, showcasing the intrinsic values of traditional village life.
Penang Hill
Penang Hill is actually made up of a series of hills which rise above the island. The peak stands at 821 metres above sea level, which makes it a cool getaway from the tropical heat below.
The hill is accessible via a funicular train which was first opened for use in 1923. The train operates in two sections and passengers change railcars at midpoint. It takes about half an hour to reach the summit and the train service operates at half hour intervals.
Alternatively, the fit and adventurous can hike up the hill from the many hiking trails available ?the most popular trails start at access points close to the Botanical Gardens. The hike itself is about 6.7 km or 4.5 miles long, which will take hikers an average of 2 to 4 hours, depending on level of fitness.
Upon reaching the summit, one is rewarded with a panoramic view of Penang island. There are also old bungalows, a hotel, bird park and walking trails which are worth checking out.
Penang National Park - our little green pocket
The Penang National Park (Taman Negara Pulau Pinang) is one of the few natural forested areas left on the island. It is also currently the world's smallest national park.
The Park is located at the north-western corner of Penang Island, on what resembles the side profile of a face, hence the name Muka Head (muka literally means face). With 1181 hectares of forest and 1381 hectares of wetlands, the Park's ecosystem is a diversity of habitats with hills, sandy and rocky beaches, streams and coastal forests -representing much of the natural habitats of Penang.
Pulau Jerejak
Pulau Jerejak is only minutes away from Penang city life yet tucked away among the magnificence of a lush tropical rainforest; also known as the "virgin jungle" island as it is one of the few reamining preserves of primary forest in Malaysia. A virtually undisturbed island graced with the rich diversity of 362ha of over 210 species of flora and fauna. Towering tropical trees, lingering lianas and exotic orchids prove to be shelters to some of the most remarkable living creatures, such as the Monitor Lizard and the White-Bellied Sea Eagle.
The island also boasts of an ancient emerald environment, older than the equatorial forests of the Amazon or the Congo, thus producing a marvellous ecosystem that is both inspiring and engaging. Equally intriguing is the island's hisory as a penal colony ?a mystical tourch tot he surounding pristine nature.
Pulau Aman
Pulau Aman in Bhasa malaysia means "island of peace" and as its name suggests, it is the gateway to tranquility and serenity. Situated on an island covering and area of 288 acres, it is 2.5 nautical miles from the mainland just off the coast of Seberang Perai's southern district. The nearest town is Bukit Tambun.
An idlyllic fishing village with a population of only three hundred, the majority of people on Pulau Aman ar elderly folks and laughing, carefree children.
Fishing, water sports and jungle trekking are some of the popular activities of hoiday-makers on the island. Places of interest, each with their own fascinationg story to tell, await the exploration of the adventurous.
Teluk Bahang Recreational Forest, Jalan Teluk Bahang
The diehard nature lovers will find delight in the recreational forests of Teluk Bahang, Sungai Tukun and Pantai Kerachut on the island and Bukit Mertajam on the mainland.
There is a bewildering range of flowering plants and numerous species of insects, exotic birds, butterflies, snakes and lizards. Expect to find jungle tracks that lead to the heart of the forest with camping sites along the way.
Tropical Fruit Farm, Jalan Teluk Bahang
Tropical fruit farm is situated at about 900 ft above sea level on the hilly terrain of Teluk Bahang, the orchard covers 25 acres and it was developed back in 1993 to converse the rare and exotic fruit trees and to educate and promote to the locals as well as foreigners on the gift that our land is blessed.
Tropical Spice Garden, Jalan Teluk Bahang
Tropical Spice Garden provides an enchanting escape for tired souls' it is a garden of discovery for those who miss out on simple pleasures like walking barefoot on dewy grass or stopping to smell the flowers. If you are in need of stress therapy to invigorate your body and mind, this microcosm of diverse ecosystems is the perfect respite!
Youth Park
Nested under a canopy of mature trees, the Youth Park is Penang's largest recreational area. Today it boasts new outdoor adult exercise machines, children's outdoor pools and play equipmant, lush tropical gardens vibrant with colour, and quiet conversation corners.
Emërtimet: Travel
Emërtimet: Music News
JJ林俊傑*西界 第5張全新創作專輯
這才是我要的 J–Fusion… 林俊傑
非常 J FUSION 年度必殺專輯!
東方古典+ 南歐浪漫+ 美西靈魂 +北非熱情
☆☆☆☆☆ 06/29全亞洲盛大跨界發行 ☆☆☆☆☆
每個人心中都有西界 通往那個未知的自己
名曲曹操作詞大師-林秋離 神來之筆創「西界」之說
每次出片,JJ總是使出渾身解數在音樂與視覺上求新求變,這回不但如此,更在歌詞的意境上,有了更深刻的表現!上張專輯以歷史人物-曹操為題,象徵他在音樂上的野心,結果引動一股華語歌詞界的「歷史人物風」!這次的主題「西界」,帶有一種作家三毛的異域創意,原來是出自於名作詞大師林秋離老師的神來之筆!當年寫出黃鶯鶯「哭砂」的林大師,擅長自創新用語,描繪出虛擬意境,「西界」寫的是人心中的海市蜃樓,象徵著愛與恨、黑與白、善與惡的界限。林老師說: 「人心的兩面是並存的,在邪惡的人心中也有柔軟的一面。善惡並沒有絕對值,人常因愛而入魔,因情而得道,頓悟的人其實境界更高!西界講的就是每個人心中隱藏起來的那個缺乏愛的小孩!」以往那個開開心心洋溢著酒渦唱著歌的JJ,在「西界」這個主題的鋪陳之下,開始讓大家看到了他的成熟與深刻!
JJ全創作專輯收集世界大師精髓 繞著地球跑
國際古箏大師王勇揭幕 日本歌姬米希亞聞樂慕名求合作
專注於創作的JJ,雖然這一年來行程表中代言和演唱會的工作排得滿滿滿,但是新專輯寫歌、譜曲、編曲、製作以及混音的過程,就算都不睡覺他也堅持要「自己來」!為此還成立了一家製作公司-JFJ Productions,雖然目前公司裡只有自己一個成員,但是這象徵JJ想要創立自己的音樂風格與品牌的決心。從這張「西界」新專輯開始,JJ一手掌握了音樂製作上的方向,所以他說這張專輯最貼近他的心!身為海蝶唱片的key artist,他的發片當然是唱片公司一年一度的跨界盛事,為此新、馬、中、港、台四海音樂才子共聚一堂,耗掉三千萬手筆大製作,在如此不景氣的唱片市場裡,公司表現出相當有信心的相挺!
“雙J與鳥“概念之作 讓這張專輯視覺充滿想像力
眼尖的朋友們會發現,這次JJ首批限量的新專輯封面,相當不一樣!簡潔有力, 貼上了一張「日本藝術大師信藤三雄創作」原裝空運來台的貼紙,完全以強烈的視覺概念來表達,非常國際化的呈現方式。這也是JJ在視覺上求新求變的驚喜之一。在日本藝壇設計界擁有崇高地位的信藤先生,製作過的知名經典作品無數, MR.Children、Glay、米希亞都是非信藤不合作的例子,英國的壞小子羅比威廉斯也曾特別跨海合作!但這次JJ和信藤大師的合作卻有一個不為人知的小故事。話說目前致力於族群融合事業的大師,在中國旅行的過程中,看到了JJ曹操專輯的呈現,非常欣賞JJ的表現, 推崇他頗有「中國麥克傑克森」的架勢,馬上與唱片公司聯繫表達合作之意,期間信藤還自費飛往上海欣賞去年JJ的第一場售票演唱會,傳聞不隨便與人合作的信藤,竟然欽點JJ合作,
脫掉街頭小子的外衣 新造型隨音樂走向輕熟男風格
減肥考驗定力 一個月健身讓六塊肌重現江湖
好一段時間,內地歌迷總是稱謂JJ為乖乖單眼皮男孩,JJ過往的穿衣風格也是街頭男孩風居多,這次配合音樂的走向,造型服也開始走向極簡型男,讓歌迷朋友見識JJ的成長!燕尾服、合身西裝、襯衫,甚至在第一支殺手MV中,還看到JJ戴上棕黑色時尚眼鏡,為了穿上這一切,並穿出衣服的味道,JJ可是2個月沒有好好吃過一頓飯了! 每當熬夜工作的時候,看到工作人員吃吃喝喝,就是考驗JJ定力的時候,一邊要揮汗跳舞,一邊要趕走瞌睡蟲,還只能吃一些不會飽的東西,JJ只好帶起耳機聽音樂和打電動,不看不聽不聞三不政策,不過這一切換來不再是胖胖的圓臉,而是消瘦上鏡的臉頰,和著實結實黝黑的六塊肌!大家可以仔細看看殺手MV中大約3秒鐘的裸上身的鏡頭,就可以看到他減肥健身的成果!
殺手MV唯美驚悚 2天27萬次點閱率 讓人不敢看卻超想看
雖然在亞洲驚悚恐怖的電影不知幾凡,也深受觀眾歡迎,但MV界卻始終沒有驚悚代表作。在美國有麥克傑克森的戰慄,終於到現在華人也有了第一支驚悚劇情的MV,就是JJ的「殺手」。這首歌的歌詞就已經非常大膽,MV的尺度更是空前的挑戰視覺神經!為了符合各國播出的電檢條例,內容血腥、暴力、情色、恐怖的畫面一修再修,又是噴霧又是閃接,大概剪出了10多個版本供各地需求,YOU TUBE及台灣、內地各網站,卻創下了2天27萬次點閱率,讓人感到欣慰!
美國舞蹈電影宗師Dave Scott首度為亞洲歌手編舞
日本Top5 Dancers現身尬舞
雖然出道時是以創作型歌手著稱,但JJ總是期許自己成為更全方位的藝人,經過去年的世界巡迴演唱會歷練,對舞蹈技巧JJ又更加的開翹了。這次專輯裡依然少不了舞曲,除了「殺手」之外,還有「K-O」這首歌,唱片公司利用JJ到美國做音樂的同時,請到在美國素有舞蹈老師的老師之稱的Dave Scott來教JJ跳舞和編舞,老師曾教過美國Chris Brown、 Brian Mcknight、Bow Wow、B2K、Omarion、Tyrese等黑人巨星跳舞,也拍過Stomp The Yard、You Got Served等舞蹈電影,經過老師的老師加持,JJ跳起舞來乾淨俐落的更多,尤其是在「K-O」這首融合性感舞蹈的歌裡,可以看到JJ更駕輕就熟的舞姿!
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